Intellectual Property Law Firm in Turkey; In general, a trademark can be defined as a sign that distinguishes the goods and services of one business from those of another.
Trademark Infringement Lawsuits in Turkey
Turkish industrial property law indicates that marks consisting of any signs like words, including personal names, figures, colors, letters, numbers, sounds and the shape of goods or their packaging, provide that such signs are capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one business from those of other businesses and that are capable of being registered on the trademark registry in a manner to determine the clear and precise subject matter of the protection afforded to its proprietor, can be considered as trademarks. Like other intellectual property rights, trademark applications are subject to registration system of each country thus are territorial.
As per the principle of territoriality, in order for a trademark to be protected in Turkey, it needs to be registered in Turkey. Of course there are some exceptions to this rule such as priority claims and well-known brands however principle of territoriality is accepted as one of the main rules of Turkish trademark law. Therefore, protection under 6769 numbered Turkish Industrial Property Code cannot be claimed in Turkey based on a trademark registered, for example, in France.
On the other hand we can say that registering a trademark before Turkish Patent and Trademark Office is not a legal requirement for real persons and legal entities. These persons can still use a trademark that is not registered before the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office in the relevant Turkish market and yet their non-registered trademark will still be protected under Turkish law, as per unfair competition articles of 6102 numbered Turkish Commercial Code.
One of the prominent functions of a brand is its distinctive function. The distinctive function of a brand is the ability of the brand to differentiate the goods and services of one business from those of others. Through its distinctive function, a brand provides information about the origin and supplier of the goods and services and prevents the mark from becoming anonymous. Undoubtedly, each brand owner enhances the value of their brand by promoting and increasing its brand recognition through various advertising investments.
Therefore in practice, it is seen that once a brand starts to become visible and valuable before the eyes of consumers they become vulnerable to infringement attempts of third parties. We have come face to face with many infringement actions of third parties upon the trademark rights of the rightful owner by imitating the brand exactly or in a way that is indistinguishably similar, taking advantage of the value and recognition of the brand, and attempting to confuse and bear away the established consumer base of the main brand. In such cases it becomes inevitable for the victims to proceed by filing trademark infringement lawsuits in Turkey.
Trademark Law in Turkey
In Turkey the old Trademarks Law No. 551 was adopted and entered into force in 1965. This law remained in effect until the entry into force of Decree Law No. 556 on the Protection of Trademarks, which came into effect on 27.06.1995. Decree Law No. 556 remained into effect until 10.01.2017. On January 10, 2017, the Industrial Property Law No. 6769 came into effect, and it is still in force. Furthermore, according the Article 90 of the Constitution, international agreements that have been duly put into effect are considered as law. Therefore, trademarks are also protected under international agreements that Turkey is a party to, such as the Paris Convention for the Protection of Intellectual Property and the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).
Actions Constituting Violation of Trademark Rights in Turkey
Article 29 of the 6769 numbered Turkish Industrial Property Code specifies the cases that constitute infringement of the trademark rights. According to the mentioned article, the following cases are directly considered as trademark infringement:
1) To use the trademark as set out in Article 7 of 6769 numbered Industrial Property Code, without the consent of the trademark proprietor. The cases specified in Article 7 of the 6769 numbered Industrial Property Code that constituted trademark infringement are as follows:
- Using of any sign identical to a registered trademark for goods or services within the scope of the registration.
- Using any sign identical or similar to a registered trademark and covering goods or services identical or similar to those covered by the registered trademark, thereby creating a likelihood of confusion or association with the registered trademark in the minds of the public.
- Using any sign identical or similar to a registered trademark, regardless of whether the goods or services are the same, similar, or different, in a matter that would unjustly benefit from or harm the reputation of the trademark, or un-determine its distinctive character, without justifiable reason.
2) Imitating the trademark by using the trademark or a sufficiently similar one without the permission of the trademark owner constitutes infringement of trademark rights.
3) Selling, distributing, placing on the market in any other way, importing, exporting, possessing for commercial purposes, or making offers to enter into contracts concerning products bearing a mark that is knowingly or should have been known to be an imitation of the trademark or sufficiently similar to it, by using the infringing mark, constitutes infringement on trademark rights.
4) Unauthorized expansion of rights granted through licensing by the trademark owner or transferring these rights to third parties constitutes infringement of trademark rights.
Trademark Infringement Lawsuits in Turkey
According to Article 149 of the Industrial Property Code, the right holder whose intellectual property right has been infringed may request the court to determine whether the act constitutes infringement, prevent the likely infringement from occur, cease the infringing actions, remove the infringement, and claim compensation for material and moral damages. In other words, in a trademark infringement lawsuit in Turkey the plaintiff can claim determination of the infringement, prevention of possible infringement, prohibition of infringing actions, material and moral compensation and announcement of the judgement through daily newspapers or other means and to the relevant third parties.
The individuals who commit acts that are considered infringement of trademark rights are obligated to compensate the damages suffered by the right holder. The liability for compensation of those who commit acts considered infringement of trademark rights is essentially a tort liability within the scope of the Law of Obligations, and in accordance with Article 40 of the 6098 numbered Turkish Obligations Code, a person who causes harm to another by a wrongful act with fault is obliged to remedy that harm. In trademark infringement cases with a claim for material compensation, the right holder may request the compensation of their material damages. The damages suffered by the right holder include “actual loss” and “loss of profits”.
With regard to the calculation of loss of profits, the trademark owner in Turkey is granted the right to choose one of the three different calculation methods the law specifies. Actual loss is defined as the net decrease in the trademark owners’ assets due to infringement of his trademark rights, while loss of profits refers to the losses that occur if the infringement action had never taken place, and the probable gain could not be obtained due to the fact that the assets of the trademark owner did not reach to the point they would reach. The calculation of loss of profits is carried out by panel of experts using one of the following evaluation methos, often by examining the defendants’ commercial books and records:
- The potential income that the right holder could have obtained if there had been no competition from the infringer.
- The net profit obtained by the infringer as a result of his infringing actions.
- The license fee that the infringer would have had to pay if they had lawfully used the right through a licensing agreement.
Other Claims That Can Be Alleged in Trademark Infringement Lawsuits in Turkey
One of the most effective methods that a trademark owner can resort to in case of trademark infringement is to apply for a preliminary injunction. If the courts of intellectual and industrial property rights determines that there is sufficient evidence in the file that serious and effective efforts have been made to prove that the plaintiff’s trademark has been or will be infringed, it will issue a decision on preliminary injunction to ensure the effectiveness of the judgement and prevent the plaintiff from suffering damages until the finalization statement is issued. The examples of the content of the preliminary injunction are provided under Article 159 of 6769 numbered Industrial Property Code, and the situations stated in Article 159/2 are not exhaustive. According to the mentioned article, when a trademark infringement lawsuit is filed, the lawsuit can be filed with a request for a preliminary injunction (PI), and the preliminary injunction may include the following contents:
- Preventing and ceasing the acts that constitute infringement of the plaintiff’s trademark right.
- Seizing and prohibiting the infringing products, the means used exclusively in their production, and other non-infringing products, in a manner that does not hinder the production of other products, within the boundaries of Turkey or in areas such as customs, free zones, or regions, wherever they are located.
- For the compensation of any damages suffered by the plaintiff, the party involved in the acts constituting infringement of the trademark right shall provide security. This type of security, referred to in the doctrine as “Reverse Security”, is specifically regulated in the Industrial Property Code and is seen to be different from traditional types of security, as it is requested to protect the subject matter of the case.
One of the most common requests we come face to face related to preliminary injunctions in practice is to suspend access to and impose an access ban on the infringing website that violates the trademark right until conclusion of the lawsuit.
It is important to note that the preliminary injunction claims can be concluded without notifying the case to the defendant. A verdict can be granted in favor of the plaintiff related to preliminary injunction in exchange for a security bond which can be deposited in cash, via bank letters or without any security. If the preliminary injunction verdict is granted, it is required for the plaintiff to apply to the enforcement office for execution of the preliminary injunction decision within 1 (one) week of the date of grant.
Competent and Authorized Court in Trademark Infringement Lawsuits in Turkey
In trademark infringement lawsuits in Turkey filed by the owner of the industrial property rights against third parties, the competent court is either the court of the plaintiff’s domicile or the court where the unlawful act took place, or where the effects of such act are observed. In this regard, it can be seen that Article 156 of the 6769 numbered Industrial Property Code grants the plaintiff the option to choose the court where the lawsuit will be filed. In trademark infringement cases, the competent courts are the Civil Courts for Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights (specialized IP courts) and the Criminal Courts for Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights. In places where there are no Courts for Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights, Civil Courts of General Jurisdiction is authorized to review and hear the disputes related to intellectual and industrial property rights.
Time Bar in Trademark Infringement Lawsuits in Turkey
According to Article 157 of the Industrial Property Law No. 6769, the statute of limitations provisions of the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098 are applicable to civil lawsuits filed for trademark infringement. Pursuant to Article 72 of the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098, as a general rule, trademark infringement lawsuits in Turkey become time-barred after the expiration of 2 (two) years from the date trademark owner became aware of the damage and the liable party, and in any case, after the expiration of 10 (ten) years from the date the infringement occur. It is important to note that as long as the infringement continues, the statute of limitation does not expire.
Other Lawsuits That Can Be Filed In Case of Trademark Infringement in Turkey
Sometimes the plaintiff may not have concrete evidence proving the actions constituting trademark infringement. In such cases, before filing a civil lawsuit with material and moral compensation claim related to trademark infringement, the plaintiff can request the preservation and collection of evidences through a declaratory lawsuit. The request for the collection and determination of evidences is not specifically regulated in 6769 numbered Industrial Property Code. Pursuant to Article 400 and the following articles of the Turkish Code of Civil Procedure No. 6100, with a declaratory action, the plaintiff can request procedures such as discovery, expert examination, or taking witness statements for the purpose of establishing a fact that the plaintiff will assert in a future lawsuit or for a lawsuit that which examination stage has not yet been reached. In such types of cases decision cannot be appealed or the parties cannot apply to supreme court against the verdict.
It is important to note that in cases where it is necessary to protect the rights of the requesting party, evidences can be collected and determined without serving notice to the opposing party. A copy of the expert report prepared about evidences collected and determined is filed, it is automatically being served to the other party by the court.
If the person entering into actions constituting trademark infringement has also registered his infringing mark before the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, the plaintiff can file a trademark infringement lawsuit with a request for invalidation and removal of the mark from the trademark registry. In the presence of absolute grounds for refusal stated in Article 5 and relative grounds for refusal stated in Article 6 of the Industrial Property Code, upon request, a decision can be issued for the invalidation and removal of the aggressor mark from the trademark registry.
In practice, infringement becomes apparent especially when trademark is published in the Trademark Bulletin. The trademark owner based in abroad has the right to file his objections against publication and registration of the aggressor trademark before Turkish Patent and Trademark Office within 2 months following publication of the aggressor trademark.
If the aggressor trademark has not been registered yet before the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, there is no need to file an invalidation lawsuit. However, after mentioned 2 months period is over, rightful owner of the trademark can file an invalidation lawsuit and request the invalidation of the infringing trademark from the competent court.
Trademark infringement is also considered a crime under the Industrial Property Code. In case of trademark infringement, the rights holder can file a complaint for the investigation and prosecution of the offense. The complaint is subject to a six-month period starting from the knowledge of the offender and the act.
According to Article 30 of the 6769 numbered Industrial Property Code, individuals who infringe on another persons’ trademark rights by producing, offering for sale, importing, exporting, purchasing for commercial purposes, possessing, transporting, or storing goods or providing services in a manner that imitates or resembles the trademark can be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of one to three years and fined up to twenty thousand judicial days.
Complaints made regarding trademark infringement can include requests for search and seizure of infringing goods. This allows for effective measures to be taken against infringing products. However, in every case of infringement, a bill of indictment may not be prepared, and a decision of non-prosecution may be reached, as the approach of public prosecutors to trademark infringement cases in Turkey may vary depending on the severity of the violation.
Therefore in most cases, it would be beneficial to obtain evidence through a request for judicial examination before filing a complaint. Nonetheless, it should be noted that as mentioned above, it is also possible to protect our clients’ rights by requesting interim measures in trademark infringement lawsuits filed before the Courts for the Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights.
By contacting our intellectual property lawyers in Turkey and providing them with preliminary information, our legal team will create an effective and applicable legal roadmap for the unique case.
Intellectual Property Law Firm in Turkey
Our law firm understands that in today’s knowledge-based economy, intellectual property has become a critical asset for businesses, artists and innovators. Protecting and managing your intellectual property rights require specialized legal expertise and comprehensive understanding of intellectual property laws of Turkey. Mesci Law Firm, as a leading intellectual property law firm in Turkey, has established itself as a premier intellectual property law firm, offering a wide range of legal services to protect, enforce and maximize the value of intellectual property assets of their clients.
Our intellectual property law firm in Turkey has a client-centric approach and is dedicated to protecting and maximizing the value of our clients’ intellectual property assets. Over the last couple of years, our intellectual property law firm in Turkey managed to legally assist hundreds of multinational and Turkish clients all around the World, from different sectors such as construction, fashion and textile, luxury products, food, entertainment, hotel & tourism, energy and transportation.
Turkish Intellectual Property Law Services
Our intellectual property law firm in Turkey provides a comprehensive range of trademark services, catering to the diverse needs of our clients from IP due diligence for M&A to initiating anti-counterfeiting legal actions against aggressor brands or products; from obtaining ex-parte and inter-parte preliminary injunction decisions from the court to filing trademark applications; from drafting co-existence agreements to registering license agreements.
Our expert trademark lawyers in Turkey offer personalized guidance and support at every stage of the trademark lifecycle. Our Turkish intellectual property law services include:
- Trademark Registration Services in Turkey: Our intellectual property law firm in Turkey assists clients in conducting thorough trademark searches to assess the availability of a proposed mark. Our intellectual property lawyers in Turkey guide our clients through the registration process, preparing and filing all necessary applications with relevant authorities, and ensuring compliance with legal requirements.
- Trademark Enforcement in Turkey: In case of trademark infringement or unauthorized usage of a trademark, our intellectual property lawyers in Turkey employ their expertise in enforcement actions. They actively pursue legal remedies to protect clients’ trademarks including issuing cease and desist letters, negotiating settlements, obtaining required preliminary injunction decisions, collecting evidences and representing clients in litigation if required.
- Trademark Licensing in Turkey: Understanding the value of licensing agreements, our intellectual property law firm legally helps clients on drafting, negotiate, revise and review licensing contracts to ensure our clients’ trademarks are or will be used appropriately while safeguarding their rights and interests. Our law firm also provides law services related to registration of trademark license agreements in Turkey.
- Trademark Portfolio Management in Turkey: With a strong focus on long-term brand protection, our intellectual property lawyers in Turkey assist their clients in managing their trademark portfolios effectively. They offer strategic advice on trademark portfolio development, maintenance and renewal, and following up the Trademark Bulletin enabling clients to stay ahead of potential challenges and infringements.
Intellectual Property Lawyers in Turkey
Mesci Law Firm boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced intellectual property lawyers in Turkey. Recognizing the complexity of this field, our law firm has assembled a talented group of professionals who possess in-depth knowledge on Turkish IP laws and regulations, as well as international intellectual property standards.
These expert intellectual property lawyers in Turkey stay up-to-date with the latest developments in IP law and employ their expertise to provide clients with exceptional legal advice and representation. Founder of the firm is also known to be specialized on intellectual and industrial property law in Turkey, dealing with both trademark and patent infringement and invalidation cases.
Our law firm is one of the leading intellectual property law firms in Turkey. Please don’t hesitate to contact our intellectual property lawyers through our contact page and obtain a detailed case evaluation and to file a trademark infringement lawsuit in Turkey. If you would like to learn more about our law services related to trademark registration in Turkey, you can visit our Article, “Intellectual and Industrial Property Law”.
Turkish Intellectual Property Law
When in law practice we mention intellectual property law, trademarks, patents and similar industrial rights also come to mind and legally referred. However, in the Turkish law system, intellectual property rights and industrial property rights are fundamentally distinguished, and the rights defined under these inscriptions are subject to separate codes. Intellectual property rights (rights over works or copyright), are examined under two main headings: the rights of the creator over the work and related rights within the framework of 5846 numbered Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works.
However under this Article we will be mainly providing you information about industrial property rights such as trademarks and patents. The currently effective Industrial Property Law numbered 6769, in its 2nd article under the title ‘Definitions,’ specifies that industrial property rights encompass trademarks, geographical indications, designs, patents, and utility models. The same law, in its 1st article, states that the purpose of Law No. 6769 is to protect rights related to trademarks, geographical indications, designs, patents, utility models, and traditional product names, contributing to technological, economic, and social progress. Within this scope, the definition, registration, invalidation, and protection of industrial property rights are regulated under the Industrial Property Law No. 6769 and the Regulation on the Implementation of the Industrial Property Law No. 30047.
Per Article 90 of the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, international treaties ratified by the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and put into effect per the prescribed procedures have the force of law in domestic legislation. For instance, within the realm of trademark law, international agreements such as the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement, and the Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Registration of Marks have relevant provisions that apply to trademark law based on the procedures or applications chosen.
Patent Application
Patents can be defined as legal documents providing to its’ owner an exclusive right in order to prevent third parties from producing, using, selling or importing an invention for a certain period of time and indicating real owner of the invention, in return for public disclosure of the related technical information to the community for technological and economic development of a state. It is observed that patents are not defined in 6769 numbered Industrial Property Code. The Industrial Property Law No. 6769 specifies which inventions can be patented, which inventions cannot be patented, and which products cannot be considered as inventions.
Under Article 82 of 6769 numbered Turkish Industrial Property Code, a patent shall be granted to the inventions in all fields of technology providing that the invention is new, involves an inventive step and is susceptible to industry. A national patent application covers the application form, a description (specification) explaining the subject matter of the invention, the claims, drawings referenced in the description or claims, an abstract, and information indicating the payment of the application fee. For the processing of the application, according to the relevant regulations, a written request stating the desire for a patent registration document, the applicant’s identity information, the applicant’s contact information, and the specifications must be submitted to the Institution.
Applications are made through the Electronic Application System (EPATS) on the website of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office. For detailed information about the processes related to national patent applications in Turkey, European patent validations in Turkey, and PCT national phase applications, you can visit and review the Article we prepared for our clients and client candidates, “Understanding Meaning of the Patent”.
Trademark Application & Registration
Trademark applications are made through the Electronic Application System (EPATS) on the website of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office. To apply for a national trademark, the applicant must provide their identity and contact information, and if the application is made through a representative, the representative’s identity and contact information.
The applicant also needs to provide information related to any priority claim, the sample of the trademark, the class numbers according to the NICE Agreement for the goods or services subject to the trademark application, and pay the application fee, additional class fees, and fees related to the priority claim. Generally, if there are no objections to the publication of the trademark in the Bulletin, the trademark application is concluded within eight months. For detailed information on the trademark application process, you can review to our article “Intellectual and Industrial Property Law” that we have prepared for you.
European Patent Validation
A patent granted under European Patent Convention is called ‘European Patent’ and is bound to the provisions of the European Patent Convention on the subjects of validation, term of protection and it’s content only. For the remaining topics, patents are being bound to the provisions of the national law systems of the contracting states after validations. Making an application to the European Patent Office and publication of the European patent application doesn’t automatically provides patent protection in contracting states.
The European patent later on must be validated in each contracting party, that is to say, within 3 (three) months of its publication in the European Patent Bulletin meaning that, validation applications must be made separately in each country where protection is requested. We can say that European Patent Validation enables the applicant to validate and protect his European patent in contracting states. To protect a European Patent in Turkey, applicants shall proceed with European Patent validation in Turkey by providing to the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, the required documents. Detailed information related to European patents and European patent applications in Turkey can be obtained by Clients by reviewing of our “IP Law Firm in Turkey” article.
Design Patent
Designs are often recognized as design patents in IP law practice. Designs, industrial designs and design patents refer to the same industrial property right. A design patent is deemed as the appearance of the whole or a part of a product resulting from the features of, the line, contour, colour, shape, material or texture of the product itself or it’s ornamentation in Turkish IP law. It is important to note that while a patent protects the technical features, such as the inventive step of a product, industrial design is a type of registration that protects the outwardly visible aesthetic features of registered products.
We prepared for our clients an Article in which we detail explain the registration procedures of design patents in Turkey; protection granted to non-registered industrial designs; industrial designs that can be registered in Turkey; benefits of design patent protection in Turkey; documents required for design patent applications; persons that can benefit from design patent protection in Turkey and much more key information. If you are willing to obtain more information related to design patents, please review our Article, “Turkish Intellectual and Industrial Property Lawyers”.
IP Litigation
Intellectual property litigation encompasses legal disputes arising from alleged infringements, misappropriations, or violations of IP rights. This field covers a spectrum of IP categories, including patents, utility models, designs, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. IP litigation can involve individuals, businesses, or entities seeking to protect their intellectual property or defending against claims of infringement. IP litigation plays a crucial role when preserving brand identities.
The legal battles fought over trademarks, patents, utility models and designs ensure that consumers can trust and differentiate between intellectual property rights, reinforcing the uniqueness and reputation associated with each entity. Range of our law firm services related to IP litigation includes obtaining ex-parte and inter-parte preliminary injunction decisions from the competent courts.
Filing and following up collection of evidences lawsuit if client has no evidence but a notice regarding IP infringement; filing and following up infringement lawsuits regarding intellectual and industrial property rights; filing and following up invalidation lawsuits regarding industrial property rights; filing and following up lawsuits regarding cancellation of Turkish Patent and Trademark Office final decisions regarding industrial property rights and filing and following up civil unfair competition lawsuits for protection of non-registered intellectual property rights. You can reach detailed key information related to trademark infringement lawsuits in Turkey and trademark invalidation lawsuits in Turkey through the Article we prepared for our clients, “Trademark Litigation in Turkey” and patent infringement lawsuits in Turkey through the Article we prepared for our clients, “Patent Infringement Lawsuits in Turkey” and reach us for a detailed case evaluation on your patent, utility model, design, trademark infringement or invalidation case, we are all about empowering you with knowledge.
Renewing Trademarks and Searches
Trademarks serve as the cornerstone of brand identity, distinguishing products and services in the marketplace. As valuable intangible assets, trademarks require ongoing protection through renewal processes to ensure their longevity and continued legal recognition. A brand’s identity is often intricately tied to its trademark registration. Renewal of mentioned trademark safeguards the brand’s legacy and its value by preventing unauthorized use and dilution of the trademark, preserving the distinctiveness that consumers associate with the products or services. In Turkey the term of protection for registered trademark is ten years starting from the date of trademark application. This term shall be renewed for periods of ten years. It is important for clients to note that, request for trademark renewal needs to be made by the trademark owner within six months before the expiration date of protection.
IP Lawyer Services
IP lawyers are legal professionals specializing in intellectual property law, a field that encompasses various forms of intellectual creations and innovations. The primary role of IP lawyers is to assist individuals, businesses, and organizations in navigating the complex landscape of intellectual property rights. These rights include patents, trademarks, designs, copyrights, and trade secrets. Our IP lawyers provide legal advice and guidance on the best strategies for protecting intellectual property of our clients. Our IP lawyers assist our clients understand their rights, assess the strength of their claims, and develop effective legal strategies. In cases of infringement or disputes related to intellectual property, our IP lawyers represent their clients in litigation proceedings and attend to trials, follow up your lawsuit until the decision is finalized, initiate legal actions to enforce intellectual property rights of our clients or defend our clients against claims of infringement. Range of our IP Lawyer Services are detailly indicated within the Article “Intellectual and Industrial Property Law” we prepared for our clients.
Reach our Turkish IP Attorneys
Mesci Law Firm boasts a team of seasoned Turkish IP attorneys dedicated to providing tailored solutions for clients seeking protection for their innovations, brands, and creative works. Whether you are an entrepreneur, an established business, or an individual creator, reaching out to Mesci Law Firm allows you to tap into the wealth of knowledge and experience in Turkish intellectual property law. At Mesci Law Firm, our client satisfaction is paramount. Our team of IP attorneys takes a client-centric approach, understanding the unique needs and goals of each individual or business. Our law firms’ personalized attention ensures that clients receive tailored legal solutions that align with their specific objectives. Reach our Turkish IP Attorneys through our “Contact Us” page in order to obtain a fast and detailed case evaluation now!